Trusted Indoor Air Quality & Radon Company in Avoca, IA

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Reviews From Avoca
Products & Services
Radon Mitigation
Radon Testing
Radon Detection
Radon Abatement
Radon Mitigation System

Before and After Pictures from Avoca
Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Before After
Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

The owner installed a radon mitigation system to safeguard his family and enhance their protection against exposure despite the modest size of the house.

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Before After
Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

This utility room was the workshop of this client and he made a radon test which returned to high levels. He was not really happy getting another expense but learning how radon exposure works, he really took this decision of getting a radon mitigation as an investment! 

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

Before After
Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA Radon Mitigation - Avoca, IA

The radon levels were over 11 in this newly constructed home at Avoca, IA. The homeowners were fully aware that it's becoming mandatory for real estate to have a radon mitigation system installed at home. The team designed a point by stack on the south side of the house. It was installed in the future storage room as this was preferred by the homeowner initially. It was an easy installation due to the basement remodel, it's wide open for the team to access. No damage and no clean-ups. Client was really happy how it turned out!

They were really helpful, offered alternatives when the plan changed....

Avoca falls within EPA's Zone 1 which is the "Highest Potential Zone" for radon risk. Because the zones reflect predicted average levels, the EPA recommends that ALL homes be tested, regardless of zone. (

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Radon testing, radon mitigation, & indoor air quality in Avoca, IA

High Risk Area for Radon

Radon is an odorless and invisible gas that is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers, and has been found in every state. Do you have radon in your Avoca home?

Leading Radon Testing & Radon Mitigation Services in Avoca, IA

Radon is an invisible, natural, odorless, and toxic gas that can lead to health complications if not taken care of. At Radon Defense Midwest, our trained experts have been making homes safer for the past [years in business] years. Prolonged exposure to hazardous levels of radon can lead to serious health issues, even cancer. Trust Radon Defense Midwest in Avoca to keep your home clean and safe. Even if you already have an existing radon mitigation system, Radon Defense Midwest can check it out and make sure it’s still keeping your home safe! Contact Radon Defense Midwest today to hear about our radon testing, radon mitigation, and radon abatement services in Avoca, IA.

Trusted indoor air quality solutions

While radon may be one of the most serious and dangerous indoor air pollutants, it is not the only air contaminant that can cause health problems. Pollen, pet dander, mold spores, or other contaminants can cause health issues, especially if you have family members with asthma, respiratory issues, or allergies.

Radon Defense Midwest can help you with your indoor air quality concerns with our products and services, which includes:

  • Radon testing
  • Radon mitigation
  • Multi-family radon mitigation
  • Energy Recovery Ventilator
  • Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
  • Breathe EX Air Cleaner
  • Breathe EZ UV Light
  • Dehumidifiers

Schedule your free estimate today!

If you are concerned about radon or just want to remove other airborne contaminants in your home, contact Radon Defense Midwest today for your free estimate! We proudly serve Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa homeowners in Avoca and nearby.

Work Requests From Avoca, IA
Project Location: Avoca, IA
Selling my home. Buyers want a radon test as part of agreement.
Project Location: Avoca, IA
We are about to begin a basement remodel and used an at home test to determine radon levels. Results were 11.8 pCi/L so we are looking for estimates on a mitigation system